用户协议Terms of use

更新于: 2020年9月1日 

Last Updated: 1 September 2020


第一章 通用条款

Chapter 1 General Terms

第一条 定义

Article 1 Definition

第二条 产品和服务的具体条款解释顺序

Article 2 Interpretation order of specific terms of Products and Services

第三条 授权账户

Article 3 Authorized Account

第二章 特殊条款

Chapter 2 Special Terms

第四条 数据安全和隐私保护

Article 4 Data Security and Privacy Protection

第五条 移动应用程序(目前仅适用于ZSM、ZLMS和ZMART产品和服务的用户)

Article 5 Mobile applications (currently only applicable to users of ZSM, ZLIMS and ZMART Products and Services)

第六条 云服务

Article 6 Cloud Services

第七条 访问授权

Article 7 Access Authorization

第八条 客户确认和义务

Article 8 Customer Confirmation and Obligations

第九条 费用和支付

Article 9 Fees and Payment

第十条 期限和终止

Article 10 Term and Termination

第十一条 安全保护措施

Article 11 Security Protection Measures

第十二条 所有权

Article 12 Proprietary Rights

第十三条 免责声明

Article 13 Disclaimers

第十四条 责任免除和赔偿条款

Article 14 Liability exemption and compensation clause

第十五条 出口管制

Article 15 Export Control

第十六条 争议解决方式

Article 16 Dispute Resolution

第十七条 管辖法律

Article 17 Governing Law

第十八条 文本语言

Article 18 Text language

第十九条 协议更新

Article 19 Update of the Terms of Use

第二十条 联系方式

Article 20 Contact Information


Annex 1-Data Security Responsibility Matrix



Welcome to use the products and services of MGI Tech Co., Ltd (referred to as “MGI”). MGI Tech Co., Ltd. is committed to building core tools and technology to lead life science through intelligent innovation. MGI focuses on R&D, production and sales of DNA sequencing instruments, reagents, and related products to support life science research, agriculture, precision medicine and healthcare.

本《用户协议》管理和规范您对华大智造产品和服务(以下统称为“产品和服务”)的使用。本协议的期限为您使用产品和服务的期限。通过注册账户(如下定义)或使用任何产品和服务,视为您已经同意本协议条款,包括减少或豁免我们责任的条款和声明,争议解决条款和同意通过电子系统签署协议。同时,视为您同意某些产品和服务的附加条款,(具体条款见第二条),“需求”和“限制”,意思分别是(1)技术要求和规范和(2)限制使用适用的产品和服务,此类要求和限制已通过应用软件、网站或文档(如下定义)向您明示。隐私手册、要求、限制、常见问题、网站以及其他用户手册和信息(统称“文档”)、本《用户协议》和产品与服务特殊条款(统称为“协议”), 旨在帮助您使用和操作我们的产品与服务。

This Terms of Use manages and regulates your use of MGI Products and Services (Products and Services). The term of the Terms of Use shall be the term of your use of the Products and Services. By registering an account or using any Products and Services, you will be assumed to agree to this Terms of Use, including the exception clauses, dispute resolution clauses, and agree to sign the agreement through an electronic system. At the same time, you will also be assumed to agree to the additional terms of certain Products and Services, (see Article 2 for specific terms), “requirements” and “restrictions” means (1)technical requirements and specifications, (2)restrict the use of applicable Products and Services, such kind of requirements and restrictions have been explicitly disclosed to you through the Apps, website or Documentation. The Privacy Handbook, requirements, restrictions, FAQs, websites and other user manual and information (“Documentation”), the Terms of Use and specific terms for Products and Services are collectively referred to as “agreements”, all these Documentation and agreements aim to help you to use our Products and Services.

第一章 通用条款

Chapter 1 General Terms

第一条 定义

Article 1 Definition

1. 协议各方

本协议是深圳华大智造科技股份有限公司代表其自身及其全球附属机构和子公司(合称“MGI”、“华大智造”、“华大”、“我方”、“我们”和“我们的”)与您(“您”、“您的”、“贵方”、“用户”或“客户”)之间的法律合同。您需向我方声明并保证:(1)您年龄至少为十八(18)周岁;(2)您有资格注册和使用我们的产品和服务,有权利、权力和能力订立和执行本《用户协议》和(3)您将严格遵守本协议的条款和条件和所有适用的法律, 使用我们的产品和服务。

如果贵方代表第三方(即“第三方终端用户”) 贵方需向我方声明并保证:(1)您被授权代表第三方终端用户购买、使用我们的产品和服务,以及订立本协议;(2)第三方终端用户也受本《用户协议》的约束。如果您代表第三方终端用户签订本《用户协议》,将视为您同意对任何因您的或第三方终端用户的或任何第三方终端用户的授权用户(如下定义)的行为或疏漏造成的违约行为承担连带责任。

1. Parties to the Terms of Use

This Terms of Use is between MGI Tech Co,. Ltd represents itself and its global affiliates and subsidiaries (collectively referred to as “MGI”, “our”, “we” and “us”) and you (“you”, “your”, “yours”, “user” and “customer”). You need to declare and guarantee to us: (1) You are at least eighteen (18) years old; (2) You are eligible to register and use our Products and Services, and have the right, power and ability to enter into and implement this Terms of Use And (3) You will use our Products and Services in strict compliance with the terms and conditions of the Terms of Use and all applicable laws.

If you represent a third party (“Third Party End User”), you need to declare and guarantee to us: (1) You are authorized to purchase and use our Products and Services on behalf of a third party end user, and enter into the Terms of Use; (2) The third party end users are also bound by this Terms of Use. If you enter into this Terms of Use on behalf of a third party end user, you shall be deemed to have agreed to be jointly and severally liable for any breach of contract resulting from the actions or omissions of you, or of a third party end user, or of any third party end user's authorized users (as defined below).

2. 软件。 除非另有说明,“软件”指(1)我们与适用硬件设备同时提供的华大智造品牌软件或(2)ZMART(如下定义)市场上的应用软件。所有软件均经协议许可方式或通过销售的方式授权您使用,并且可能受软件的终端用户许可协议中的其他条款的限制。

2. Software. Unless otherwise stated, “Software” means (1) MGI branded software that we provide concurrently with applicable hardware devices, or (2) applications in the ZMART (as defined below). All software is licensed to you by agreement or by sale, and may be subject to other terms in the end user License Agreement for the Software.


The types of software covered by ZTRON products are as follows (you can refer to the User Manual of corresponding products and services for specific functions and usage):




ZSM is also known as the whole process of biological sample quality control management information system, mainly for you to provide the sample in and out of storage management, container/label visual, temperature and humidity, oxygen monitoring and warning, comprehensive query statistics, a variety of equipment/system integration, support mobile applications and other functions. Our clients include hospitals/medical institutions, biological sample testing centers and biological sample research institutions.




ZLIMS is also known as laboratory information management system. ZLIMS includes functions such as sample entry, sample quality control, sample management, database &Pool& live streaming DNB, sequencing, analysis, report issuance, etc.





ZMART is also known as the Bioinformatic App Market. By accessing the ZMART app market interface, you can browse all the apps (including free apps and paid apps), choose the apps you want to view/buy, click the app name, enter the license number, click buy, choose the payment method, pay, and complete the payment. After the payment is completed, the system will automatically install the License, and the payment success page will display the application and license installation progress.

In addition, the ZMART app market includes a number of third-party apps.




MegaBOLT也结合了云计算技术,在BGI online云平台上线,为基因数据分析提供更灵活、更高效的解决方案。全面满足您各方面需求。详情可参考链接: https://www.bgionline.cn/fpga.html 

(4)MegaBOLT(Combination of hardware and software)

MegaBOLT bioinformatics analysis accelerator (hereinafter called MegaBOLT) is an MGI self-developed and MPS-concentrated hardware accelerating system for bioinformatics analysis. MegaBOLT supports the analysis of Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS), Whole Exome Sequencing (WES), and Panel Sequencing on Germline or Somatic data. It is 20 times faster than the traditional approach. Fast, integrated, easy to use, and economic are MegaBOLT’s most prominent features.

MegaBOLT products include the workstation and rack server, which can be applied to various scenarios of all scales.

MegaBOLT integrates the cloud computing technology and is launched on the BGI Online cloud platform, which provides more flexible and efficient solutions for bioinformatics analysis. For details, please visit: https://www.bgionline.cn/fpga.html.

3. “硬件”指华大品牌仪器、配件或外围设备。关于硬件设备的相关要求,具体参见硬件销售合同和《用户手册》。

3. "Hardware" means MGI’s branded instruments, accessories or peripherals. For hardware requirements, please refer to hardware sales contract and User manual for details.

第二条 产品和服务的具体条款解释顺序

Article 2 Interpretation order of specific terms of Products and Services


If there are conflicts between terms of different documents, the order of priority for interpretation and application is Requirements, Restrictions, Special Terms of this Terms of Use, General Terms of this Terms of Use and other terms in the Documentation.

第三条 授权账户

Article 3 Authorized Account


You must have an authorized account or register an account with us (collectively, the “User Account”) to use our products and services. When obtaining a User Account, you need to agree to provide accurate and complete information in response to our questions, and further agree to update the information in a timely manner when the information changes. When using a User Account, the “User” can authorize itself and others (collectively referred to as “Authorized Users”) to use Products and Services on behalf of the “User”. Each authorized user will establish or be provided with a username and password, and may also establish or be provided with other access credentials, such as encryption keys (access credentials). You must ensure that you and each of your authorized users will keep the access credentials confidential and that they will not be disclosed to any third party. You must be responsible for the actions and negligence of your authorized users. You (not us) will be fully responsible for all activities that occur under your User Account by using access credentials, including any loss or deletion of User Content (as defined below). You confirm that your authorized users have full authority to access and manage your User Account, User Content, and any personal data related to your User Account.


We reserve the right to suspend or terminate User Accounts or any authorized user access for any reason, including when the registration information is inaccurate, untrue or incomplete, or when you or any of your authorized users fail to maintain the security of any access credentials. You agree and warrant that every authorized user will immediately notify us via dataprotectionofficer@genomics.com when they find any unauthorized access to User Accounts or any other suspected violations of security policies.


第二章 特殊条款

Chapter 2 Special Terms

第四条 数据安全和隐私保护

Article 4 Data Security and Privacy Protection














1. Privacy Handbook


We attach great importance to the protection of personal data. You can check the details of our privacy handbook by clicking on the link:


The handbook will disclose the following information to you:

(1) Our basic principles for processing personal data

(2) Collection of personal data

(3) Processing and use of personal data

(4) Personal data transmission and sharing

(5) Personal data storage

(6) Data protection of minors

(7) Rights of the data subject

(8) Data security protection measures

(9) Security commitments of customers and partners


2. 我们的主要产品和服务业务场景

2. Our main Products and Service business scenarios





3. 个人数据保护问题联系方式






电话:+86 400-096-6988




3. Contact information for personal data protection issues

If you wish to contact MGI about your personal data or this Terms of Use, you can contact us or the Data Protection Officer (DPO) through the following information:


MGI Tech Co., Ltd (MGI)

Address: Building 11, Beishan Industrial Zone, Yantian District, Shenzhen, CHINA

Zip code:518083

Phone: +86 400-096-6988

DPO: dataprotectionofficer@mgi-tech.com

Website: www.mgi-tech.com

第五条 移动应用程序(目前仅适用于ZSM、ZLMS和ZMART产品和服务的用户)

Article 5 Mobile applications (currently only applicable to users of ZSM, ZLIMS and ZMART Products and Services)


Subject to the terms and conditions of this Terms of Use, we provide you with a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, and revocable license to download, install and use a copy of our mobile application (“MGI App”) on a single mobile device or computer that you own or control solely in connection with your use of the Products and Services.


You can opt out of certain analysis features, including applicable devices or application settings, such as device advertising settings for mobile applications (if any).


For any MGI’s own apps or apps owned by third parties that you access or download through MGI’s platform, such as Zmart, you must strictly follow MGI’s “Privacy Handbook and Terms of Use and other requirements of Documentation.


You confirm that this Terms of Use (including the mobile application terms that may be involved) is signed by you and us, not with any third party. We and the third-party software application suppliers shall RESPECTIVELY bear the ultimate responsibility for problems arising out of the application provided (including its operation, related commitments and any related claims).


In some cases, to use the applications made by MGI, you must have the right to use the wireless network. You agree to pay all fees related to such access; you also agree to pay all fees related to the application software. When using apps owned by third parties, you shall also abide by all applicable terms and policies of the third parties.

第六条 云服务

Article 6 Cloud Services



To learn more about cloud services, click (link)

第七条 访问授权

Article 7 Access Authorization


According to the terms and conditions of this Terms of Use, you and your authorized users can access and use user portals related to Products and Services (hereinafter referred to as “User Portals”) for your use only and in accordance with the Documentation. Your authorization to use the User Portal is non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable and terminable.

第八条 客户确认和义务

Article 8 Customer Confirmation and Obligations


You confirm and agree to the following:



1. User Rights Reservation.

You retain all the rights in the User Content, but you must comply with the corresponding rights granted to MGI by this Terms of Use. Under normal circumstances, you can modify or delete User Content through your User Account. User Content will be irrevocably and irretrievably deleted when (1) you or your authorized users delete User Content or (2) cancel, terminate or not renew the User Account or product and service subscription.

2. 要求和环境。华大智造提供了许多不同的产品和服务,并具有不同的限制和要求,每种产品和服务都旨在满足广大客户的需求。您确认并同意:








2. Requirements and environment. MGI provides many different Products and Services with different restrictions and requirements. Each product and service are designed to meet the needs of our customers. You confirm and agree:

(1) You have assessed the data protection needs, network environment, technical specifications and costs of each product and service;

(2) Even if MGI’s representatives (such as sales personnel, technical training personnel, etc.) have provided you with guidance on the products or services you choose, you should still be responsible for selecting appropriate Products and Services;

(3) You are solely responsible for and ensure that you comply with applicable requirements and restrictions;

(4) You are solely responsible for and ensure that you maintain and operate the information technology infrastructure used to copy, maintain and transmit User Content, including databases, applications, files, software, computers, servers, tablets, smart phones, or in MGI’s any other equipment registered on the relevant platform (to the extent applicable, including hardware delivered to you as part of any product or service) (collectively referred to as your “environment”);

(5) Under special circumstances, if you exceed the storage space allocated to your User Account, you will be assumed to confirm and agree that MGI may limit your ability to back up more data until you reduce the storage space usage and add store packages or purchase other Products and Services with higher or unlimited storage space types.

(6) The Security Standards for the products and services recommended by MGI please see.

3. 客户行为。产品和服务包含的功能使您和您的授权用户能够根据本协议的条款,以及相关要求和限制,进行复制、维护、传输和上传基础信息、个人数据、基因样本等材料或信息(“用户内容”)。







3. Customer behavior. The functions contained in the Products and Services enable you and your authorized users to copy, maintain, transmit and upload basic information, personal data, genetic samples and other materials or information (“User Contents”) in accordance with the Terms of Use and related requirements and restrictions.


You declare and warrant that your User Content and the use of MGI’s website, Products and Services by you and your authorized users and related technologies shall not have the following behaviors or the following situations:


(1) Interfering with the normal operation of Products and Services or imposing excessive burdens on the infrastructure of MGI;

(2) Causing civil or criminal liability, such as data breach, illegal collection or use of personal genetic data, etc.;

(3) Infringement or infringement of any third party’s rights, including any intellectual property rights or privacy rights (such as: collecting and using personal data without the authorization of data subject), or infringing or harassing others;

(4) Initiate server attacks and use software viruses or other harmful or harmful computer codes, files or programs, such as Trojan horses, worms or spyware.

4. 用户对知识产权的限制。您确认并同意您不会,并应确保您的授权用户不会:



(3)对产品和服务的任何部分进行修改、反汇编、反编译或反向工程,或者应用任何其他过程或程序来获取产品和服务中包含的任何软件的源代码(除非在适用法律允许的范围内); (4)以避免超出使用限制或配额的方式访问或使用产品和服务;






4. User restrictions on intellectual property rights. You confirm and agree that you will not, and should ensure that your authorized users will not:


(1) Access or use Products and Services in any way or for any purpose except as expressly permitted by the “Documentation”;

(2) Alter, modify or otherwise create derivative works of all or any part of the Products and Services;

(3) Modify, disassemble, decompile or reverse engineer any part of the Products and Services, or apply any other process or program to obtain the source code of any software contained in the Products and Services (unless permitted by applicable laws);

(4) Avoid access or use of Products and Services in ways that exceed usage limits or quotas;

(5) Use Products and Services to build similar or competing applications or services;

(6) Delete, tamper or change any disabling mechanism related to Products and Services or circumvent any technical protection measures, or use any tools in other ways to enable functional components that were originally disabled in Products and Services;

(7) Resell or sub-license Products and Services (unless permitted by applicable laws);

Or (8) Delete or change any proprietary notices related to Products and Services (for example, copyright and trademark notices).



5. 产品和服务的变更。华大智造可能会定期更新或升级产品和服务。您确认并同意,华大智造会提前通知您需要更新或升级您的产品和服务,然后您或您的授权用户将自行负责华大智造相关更新补丁的安装升级与使用,经您或您的授权用户书面要求,华大智造会提供协助服务。



5. Changes in Products and Services. MGI may update or upgrade its Products and Services regularly. You confirm and agree that MGI will notify you in advance that you need to update or upgrade your Products and Services, and then you or your authorized users will be responsible for the installation, upgrade and use of the relevant update patches of MGI, with your or your written authorization. MGI will provide assistance services.


In addition, when it is necessary to interrupt, suspend or modify Products and Services, any functions or features of Products and Services, or the availability of Products and Services on any specific equipment or hardware, MGI will notice you or your authorized users in advance and in written form.

6. 法律执行。如果华大智造合理怀疑用户账户已被用于未经授权的非法或犯罪的目的,或经执法机构通过传票、调查需求或调查令等法律文件请求访问用户账户或用户内容,您应特此授权华大智造传输、共享给执法机构关于您的信息、您的用户账户、用户内容和相关的任何交易信息。

6. Law enforcement. If MGI reasonably suspects that the User Account has been used for unauthorized, illegal or criminal purposes, or the law enforcement agency requests access to the User Account or User Content through legal documents such as subpoenas, investigation requirements, or investigation orders, you shall hereby authorize MGI to transfer and share the information about you, your User Account, User Content and any related transaction information to the law enforcement agencies.

7. 数据安全。您和您的授权用户应严格遵守华大智造关于数据安全相关的要求和限制,包括但不限于本协议、《隐私策略》、销售协议等文本规定,积极保护个人数据,特别是涉及基因数据等个人敏感数据。



7. Data Security. You and your authorized users shall strictly abide by MGI’s data security-related requirements and restrictions, including but not limited to this Terms of Use, Privacy Policy (link), sales agreement and other textual provisions, and actively protect personal data, especially Personal sensitive data such as genetic data.

You and your authorized users shall agree and commit that the personal data that needs to be provided in the process of using MGI Products and Services have legally authorized by the data subject in advance. Under special circumstances, if it is necessary to collect and use the data of minors, you and your authorized users shall ensure that you have obtained their parents’ written and explicit authorization in advance.

You and your authorized users should try your best to ensure the security of personal data. Data security incidents caused by your fault or negligence should be borne by you.

8.其他。您和您的授权用户还应当遵守《终端用户协议(End-Terms of User)》《软件许可协议(Software License Agreement)》《软件销售协议》等相关文本中有关您义务内容的规定。

8. Others. You and your authorized users should also comply with your obligations in the End-Terms of Use , “Software License Agreement” , “Software Sales Agreement” and related “DOCUMENTATION”.

第九条 费用和支付

Article 9 Fees and Payment

1. 费用。本服务里面包含的应用由我们或第三方开发者(合称“开发者”)提供。您也许需要接受开发者的协议和收费才能下载和使用相关的应用。您特此确认并知悉,开发者可以保留调整应用价格的权利并且在您购买相应的应用之前适时告知您。新的价格生效后,您需要接受新调整的价格才能够继续使用应用。如果您不同意应用调整后的价格,您有权停止使用本服务。您将需要根据任何适用的相关法律要求纳税。


1. Expenses. The applications included in this Service are provided by us or third-party developers (collectively, “developers”). You may need to accept developers’ agreements and fees to download and use related applications. You confirm and acknowledge that the developer reserves the right to adjust the price of the application and to notify you in due course before you purchase the application. After the new price takes effect, you will need to accept the new price before you can continue to use the application. If you do not agree to apply the adjusted price, you have the right to stop using the Service. You will be required to pay taxes in accordance with any applicable laws.

The applications and in-app services you purchase are transactions between you and us or third parties. When you purchase apps and in-app services, you will receive the purchased apps and services upon completion of payment. In most cases, applications and in-app services purchased through our platform (e.g. Zmart) will not be refundable. If you need to repurchase, you are advised to contact the developer. The developer will follow their own refund policy and legal regulations and may refund to you.

2. 支付。对于直接从华大智造平台(如:Zmart)直接购买的产品和服务,华大智造可以使用第三方代为处理支付业务(“支付供应商”)。支付提供商的政策将约束您的付款处理行为,您必须另外参考这些政策而非仅通过本协议来确定您的权利和义务。有关华大智造当前使用的支付供应商的列表,请发送邮件至MGI-service@genomics.cn咨询。


2. Payment. For Products and Services purchased directly from MGI’s platform (such as Zmart), MGI may use a third party to process payment services (“payment suppliers”). The payment suppliers’ policies will govern your payment processing behavior, and you must refer to these policies instead of just using the Terms of Use to determine your rights and obligations. For a list of payment suppliers currently used by MGI, please send an email to MGI-service@genomics.cn for consultation.

You agree to provide valid bank card information, basic personal information, etc. (collectively referred to as “payment information”), etc., as conditions for such transactions to payment suppliers made by MGI. By providing your payment information, you authorize MGI to charge you immediately for the initial period and any renewal period through our payment suppliers.

3. 续费(如适用)。如适用,双方另行协商确定

3. Renewal (if applicable). Determined through sales agreement or through negotiation between the two parties (if applicable).

第十条 期限和终止

Article 10 Term and Termination

1. 期限。您对产品和服务的访问期限(“认购”,如适用)将持续到您购买时确定的期限(“初始期限”)。每次自动续订期限等于适用的初始期限(每个“续订期限”)。

1. Term. Your term of access to the Products and services (the “Subscription”, if applicable) will continue until the term determined at the time of your purchase (the “Initial Term”). Each automatic renewal term is equal to the applicable initial term (each a “Renewal Term”).

2. 重大违约导致的终止。对于未付款或您严重违反本协议任何规定并且在收到书面通知后三十(30)天之内不能实质性纠正违约行为,华大智造可以立即决定终止本协议和您的认购,并立即生效。

2. Termination for Material Breach. For non-payment or if you seriously violate any provisions of the Terms of Use and cannot substantially correct the breach within thirty (30) days after receiving the written notice, MGI can immediately decide to terminate the Terms of Use and your subscription, with immediate effect.

3. 破产或破产后终止。在以下情形下,华大智造可以选择在收到书面通知后立即终止本协议:(1)您无力清偿债务或在到期时无法偿还债务;(2)您通过破产、重组或类似程序提出申请,或者,若该申请是针对您提出的,但在提出申请后的九十(90)天内没有被撤销;或(3)为您的债权人利益委任了接管人或进行了转让。

3. Termination Upon Bankruptcy or Insolvency. Under the following circumstances, MGI may choose to terminate the Terms of Use immediately after receiving a written notice: (1) You are unable to pay off the debt or cannot repay the debt when it is due; (2) You file an application through bankruptcy, reorganization or similar procedures , Or, if the application is made against you, but it is not revoked within ninety (90) days after the application is made; or (3) a receiver is appointed or assigned for the benefit of your creditors.

4. 中止。 华大智造可以随时自行决定中止您的一个或所有授权用户对任何产品和服务的访问,包括但不限于以下原因:(1)对用户的安全性或完整性的威胁产品和服务,(2)您严重违反了本协议,或(3)华大智造在到期后十五(15)天内未收到根据本协议应支付的任何款项。

4. Suspension. MGI may at any time decide on its own to suspend one or all of your authorized users' access to any Products and Services, including but not limited to the following reasons: (1) Products and Services that threaten the safety or integrity of users, (2) You have seriously violated the Terms of Use, or (3) MGI has not received any payment due under the Terms of Use within fifteen (15) days after expiration.

5. 终止的效力。在本协议或任何认购因任何原因终止或到期时,(1)在终止或到期前未清偿华大智造的任何款项将立即到期并应予以支付,(2)授予的所有许可和访问权将立即失效;(3)对用户内容的访问将立即停止,(4)所有用户内容将被不可撤销、不可恢复地删除,并且;(5)如果您的认购包括硬件,则您将根据相关约定退还硬件。

5. Effects of termination. When the Terms of Use or any subscription terminates or expires for any reason, (1) any outstanding payment to MGI prior to termination or maturity will immediately become due and shall be paid, (2) all licenses and access rights granted will immediately expire; (3) access to User Content will cease immediately, (4) all User Content will be irrevocably and irreversibly deleted, and; (5) if your subscription includes hardware, you will Arrange to return the hardware.

第十一条 安全保护措施

Article 11 Security Protection Measures



We commit to and use necessary and reasonable information security management technologies, including data encryption technology, user access control, account security, backup, logging and monitoring, to help protect your accounts and data from accidental loss, unauthorized access, use, modification or disclosure. In order to maximize the security of sensitive data, we need to work together.

We cannot prevent unauthorized third parties (e.g. hackers) from attacking our security measures or using user accounts and user content for improper purposes. When users abuse access credentials, you provide us with user data and user content at your own risk, in this case, the risk of data security will also increase. In principle, you are solely responsible for protecting access credentials and ensuring that your authorized users can properly use and protect access credentials.


For ZTRON, the specific data security responsibility of MGI and you can be referred to Appendix 1-Data Security Responsibility Matrix.

第十二条 所有权

Article 12 Proprietary Rights

1. 权利保留。您确认并同意,用于提供产品和服务(“我们的技术”)的软件、代码、硬件、商标、商业秘密、专有方法和系统以及我们通过产品和服务提供或显示的内容,包括所有文本、图形、图像和外观,前述所有的知识产权或所有权均归属于华大智造,或华大智造已被许可使用。


1. Rights reserved. You confirm and agree that the software, code, hardware, trademarks, trade secrets, proprietary methods and systems used to provide Products and Services (“our technology”) and the content we provide or display through Products and Services, including all text , graphics, images and appearance, all the aforementioned intellectual property rights or ownership belong to MGI, or MGI has been licensed to use.

Any content in the Terms of Use or any “Documentation” shall not be deemed as we express or implied, prohibit estoppel or other means to transfer the ownership of any technology or content to you. Unless we grant or license in the Terms of Use or any “documentation”, MGI reserves all rights to our technology and content. MGI does not grant you or your authorized users the right or permission to use any MGI trademark, trade name, mark, product name or other source identification.

2. 持续更新。我们可能会不断开发产品和新功能。如果我们向特定产品或服务添加了新功能或特性(统称为“功能”),我们可能免费向提供该功能,或者,如果我们通常向客户收取此类功能的费用,则可能会限制您使用需要支付额外费用的功能。

2. Continuously update. We may continue to develop products and new features. If we add a new function or feature to a particular product or service (collectively referred to as “Features”), we can provide you with that feature for free, or if we usually charge customers for such features, we may restrict you from using features that need to pay extra.

3. 反馈。在使用产品和服务的过程中,您或您的授权用户可以提供与产品和服务有关的报告、评论、建议或想法(“反馈”)。我们无义务将反馈纳入任何产品或服务,并且您也无义务向我们提供反馈。


3. Feedback. In the process of using our Products and Services, you or your authorized users may provide reports, comments, suggestions or ideas related to Products and Services ("Feedback"). We are not obligated to incorporate feedback into any product or service, and you are not obligated to provide feedback to us.

We have no obligation to treat such feedback as your confidential or trade secret information. You only represent yourself and your successor of rights and interests, and grant MGI worldwide, non-exclusive, irrevocable, permanent, royalty-free and fully paid rights to use and permissions to allow MGI to use, disclose, publish or develop and utilize any feedback information. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing content, you agree that the “Feedback” provided will not provide any intellectual property rights or any other rights in any aspect of the “product or service”, even if such “feedback” makes MGI has created new products or services. The statement, guarantee or compensation that either party may give to the other party under the Terms of Use or “Documentation” shall not apply to “Feedback”.

4. 开源软件。产品和服务可能包含包含开放源代码软件的可再发行产品,代理或驻留在您设备上的其他代码。授予华大智造的许可协议中的某些规定也可能适用于您对此类开源软件的使用。此类开源软件的列表可以在此处和/或在通知或确认文件中找到

4. Open source software. Products and Services may include redistributable products containing open source software, agents or other code that resides on your device. Certain provisions in the license agreement granted to MGI may also apply to your use of such open source software. A list of such open source software can be found here and/or in the notice or confirmation document.

第十三条 免责声明

Article 13 Disclaimers

1. 您全权负责对产品和服务的选择、使用和获得的结果。

1. You are solely responsible for the selection, use and results of Products and Services.


2. Normally, you are solely responsible for the access and use of Products and Services, and you shall be fully responsible for any damage to the equipment or the environment, any hardware provided by the product or service, and the loss or damage of your User Content.

3. 根据您选择使用的产品和服务,如果满足以下条件,则您的内容可能无法访问、获得或无法恢复:










3. Depending on the Products and Services you choose to use, if the following conditions are met, your content may not be accessible, achievable, or unrecoverable:

(1) Our Products and Services have not yet completed the copying, synchronization, transfer or upload of your User Content (collectively referred to as “backups”);

(2) When our Products and Services do not automatically back up files, folders, databases, etc. according to the “Documentation” rules, you have not selected manual backup, or you have cancelled the selection of backup files, folders, databases, etc.;

(3) According to MGI or your own data retention policy, you have deleted some User Content in the device without restoring it, or deleted the device, database, drive or server from the User Account;

(4) You move the User Content to your own device without automatic scanning to select the location of the backup file, or you upgrade the operating system and the file mapping changes;

(5) The User Content has been damaged;

(6) Your device cannot access the Internet or network services, or encounters intermittent or slow Internet connections (PLEASE NOTE: NORMALLY, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES OF MGI ARE NOT AUTOMATICALLY CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET WITHOUT YOUR PERMISSION AND OPERATION.);

(7) Your equipment or hardware cannot establish a connection with the server or network made by MGI (PLEASE NOTE: NORMALLY, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES OF MGI ARE NOT AUTOMATICALLY CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET WITHOUT YOUR PERMISSION AND OPERATION.);

(8) You fail to follow the technical requirements of MGI and use the “Documentation” of Products and Services, including upgrading Products and Services, or you do not regularly test your backup and restore conditions, or you do not ensure that certain User Content is safe Backup;

(9) You terminate or fail to renew your subscription to any products or services, or your access to Products and Services has been terminated or suspended.

4. 我们的产品和服务可能会通过互联网访问和传输信息。您确认并同意华大智造不运营或控制互联网,以及:(1)病毒,蠕虫,特洛伊木马和其他不良数据或组件;或(2)未经授权的用户(例如:黑客)可能试图获取和损害您的用户内容、网站、设备和网络;(3)您自行负责维护自己的互联网和数据连接;(4)通过互联网连接访问或使用的产品和服务的组件可能会受制于您的互联网服务提供商的费用和停机时间。您确认并同意华大智造对前述活动概不负责。

4. Our Products and Services may access and transfer information via the Internet. You confirm and agree that MGI does not operate or control the Internet, and: (1) viruses, worms, Trojan horses and other bad data or components; or (2) unauthorized users (such as hackers) may try to obtain and damage your User Content, website, equipment and network; (3) You are responsible for maintaining your own Internet and data connections; (4) The components of Products and Services accessed or used via the Internet connection may be subject to your Internet service provider Costs and downtime. You confirm and agree that MGI is not responsible for the aforementioned activities.

5. 您确认并同意华大智造使用第三方供应商(如:银行、第三方支付平台等)来处理和存储您的支付信息。如果涉及到您的支付信息的安全漏洞,您确认并同意您仅对这些处理和存储您支付信息的第三方供应商享有追索权,而不是华大智造。

5. You confirm and agree that MGI uses third-party suppliers (such as banks, third-party payment platforms, etc.) to process and store your payment information. If the security breach of your payment information is involved, you confirm and agree that you only have the right of recourse against these third-party suppliers that process and store your payment information, not MGI.

6. 本条仅适用于ZMART用户】您购买的ZMART平台上的应用及应用内服务为您与软件开发商之间的交易,华大智造及华大智造的关联公司不是交易的任一方(标明软件开发商为华大智造及华大智造的关联公司的除外)。原则上,应由软件开发商自行承担其产品和服务所产生的一切责任。华大智造作为平台方,仅接受投诉和提供一般咨询服务,如有问题,您可以通过本协议第二十条联系我们进行解决。


6. [This clause only applies to ZMART users] The applications and in-app services on the ZMART platform purchased by you are transactions between you and the software developer. MGI and its affiliates are not parties to the transaction (except those indicating that the Software Developer is MGI and its affiliates). In principle, software developers should assume all responsibility for their products and services. As the platform, WE only accept complaints and provide general consulting services. If you have any questions, you can contact us through Article 20 of the Terms of Use.


7. 您全权负责用户账户、用户内容、设备以及作为产品和服务一部分提供的任何硬件的安全性和完整性。您确认并同意,华大智造不承担因您未能保持准确的用户账户信息或其他信息(包括但不限于未能收到有关产品和服务的关键信息)而引起的或与之相关的责任。

7. You are solely responsible for the security and integrity of User Accounts, User Content, equipment, and any hardware provided as part of Products and Services. You confirm and agree that MGI does not assume any liability arising from or related to your failure to maintain accurate User Account information or other information (including but not limited to failure to receive key information about Products and Services).

8. 您确认并同意,华大智造或其任何员工、合作伙伴或代理商提供的任何口头或书面信息或建议,均不会产生任何担保或以任何方式增加华大智造在本协议项下的义务范围。

8. You confirm and agree that any oral or written information or suggestions provided by MGI or any of its employees, partners or agents will not generate any guarantee or increase in any way MGI’s Scope of obligations.

第十四条 责任免除和赔偿条款

Article 14 Liability exemption and compensation clause



When you and your authorized users encounter the following circumstances, you need to compensate MGI (including employees, directors, agents, branches and representatives of MGI’s related parties) for all expenses and losses (including judgments, administrative Penalties, interest, taxes, attorney fees, etc.), or exempt MGI from all the aforementioned losses, expenses, claims and related liabilities:







(1) Any actual or suspected violation of your statement, guarantee or obligation stipulated in the Terms of Use;

(2) You use Products and Services incorrectly or improperly;

(3) You have violated any third party’s rights, including but not limited to any privacy rights, intellectual property rights and trade secrets;

(4) You have violated any applicable laws, regulations and rules of PRC or any other country;

(5) Any third party used your access credentials or the access credentials of your authorized users to access and/or use products or services, and (6) use your User Content for reasons other than MGI.




MGI reserves the exclusive right of prosecution and control over any matters that you need to compensate us (the costs are borne by you), and you agree to cooperate with MGI in litigation. You agree that you will not solve any problems without the prior written consent of MGI. MGI will make reasonable efforts to notify you after learning of any such claims, litigation or procedures.

第十五条 出口管制

Article 15 Export Control




Unless you are authorized by applicable laws and the relevant laws of the jurisdiction where MGI is located, you may not use or export or re-export MGI's software and hardware equipment and products.

第十六条 争议解决方式

Article 16 Dispute Resolution







Any dispute arising from or related to this contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation; if the negotiation fails, both parties have the right to submit to the Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration for arbitration in accordance with the current effective arbitration rules of the court. This arbitration agreement will remain valid after the termination of your contractual relationship with MGI.

第十七条 管辖法律

Article 17 Governing Law



You confirm that the Terms of Use is signed in Yantian District, Shenzhen. The verification, interpretation, modification, performance and disputes of the Terms of Use are governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China without regard to its conflict of laws regulations.

第十八条 文本语言

Article 18 Text language



You confirm that the Terms of Use is written in multiple languages. The translation of any part of the Terms of Use is for reference only. In case of any conflict, the Chinese version shall prevail.

第十九条 协议更新

Article 19 Update of the Terms of Use



We may decide to revise the Terms of Use, any product and service specific terms or our documents AT ANY TIME, and publish the revised version on our website, products and/or communicate to you (referred to as “revised version”). Without special statement, the revised version will take effect within thirty (30) days from the release date. If you continue to use the Products and Services after the revised version is published, it means that you accept the revised version.

第二十条 联系方式

Article 20 Contact Information



You can contact MGI about the Terms of Use in the following ways:



(1) Email to MGI-service@genomics.cn or



(2) Write a letter to Building 11, Comprehensive Building, Beishan Industrial Zone, Yantian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China, MGI Tech Co., Ltd. (MGI), Attn: customer service department.




Release Date: September 1, 2020



Update date: September 1, 2020



Annex1-Data Security Responsibility Matrix


The data security of ZTRON needs to be maintained by both MGI and customers. As the manufacturer of ZTRON, MGI provides support services for the security of ZTRON. As the controller or processor of using ZTRON to process and store genetic data and other personal data of the corresponding data subject, customers should take into account the risks that may be brought to the data subject and implement appropriate organisational and technical measures to protect the data subject’s security of information assets.


华大智造负责“ZTRON本身安全的技术支持 华大智造负责为ZTRON本身的安全措施提供技术支持,如提供数据存储加密、传输加密、访问验证、定时备份、操作日志、角色权限设置等技术以保护ZTRON内部数据的安全以及配合客户的安全需求

MGI responsibility “technical support for ZTRON's own security”– MGI is responsible for providing technical support for ZTRON’s own security measures, such as providing data storage encryption, transmission encryption, access verification, regular backup, operation logs, role permission settings and other technologies to protect the security of ZTRON’s internal data and meet the security needs of customers .

客户负责“ZTRON物理设备和工作环境安全” – 客户负责保护使用ZTRON所需的物理设备和工作环境安全,包括保护ZTRON内数据以及其所在的机房、网络环境的安全。可通过控制ZTRON的物理访问和逻辑访问的手段、配置用户相应的权限、明确组织人员的责任分工、设置防火墙、制定灾难恢复计划并定期实施、验证数据接收者身份、实施员工安全意识培训、设置机房防火防盗装置、管理已由MGI交付给客户的密钥等方式实施保护。

Customer responsibility “ZTRON's physical equipment and working environment security”– Customer is responsible for protecting the physical equipment and working environment required to use ZTRON, including protecting the data in ZTRON as well as the security of the server room and network environment where it is located. Customer can perform duties in the ways such as control the physical and logical access of ZTRON, configure the corresponding authority of the user, clarify the division of responsibilities of the organization personnel, set up a firewall, formulate a disaster recovery plan and implement it on a regular basis, verify the identity of the data recipient, implement employee security awareness training and settings the equipment room is protected by fire-proof and anti-theft devices, manage keys that have been delivered to customer by MGI, etc.


Please refer to "Table 1" for the specific data security responsibility areas of MGI and customers:




访问管理 (身份认证网络区域划分,防火墙设置, 分配权限远程访问),密钥管理(license文件的管理,加密锁管理)












Customer Data

Physical environment,

Information technology infrastructure,

Process monitoring,

Problem feedback mechanism

Access management

(Identity authentication,

Network area division,

Firewall Configuration,

Permission assignment,

Remote access), Key management (license file management, encryption lock management)

Gene data backup management,

Data encryption for backup outside ZTRON,

Backup recovery test,

Disaster recovery mechanism

Data security policy,

Employee security awareness (security awareness training)



After-sales support for data processing technology used by ZTRON

After-sales support for data management technology used by ZTRON

After-sales support for data storage encryption and transmission encryption technology used by ZTRON


After-sales support for ZTRON hardware

Table 1-Data Security Responsibility Matrix

